Dr. R.M Saha Global School
Principal Message
It's an honour and privilege for me to be the principal of Dr.R.M Saha Global School. I am highly obliged to Saha Group Of Education for bestowing me this responsibility and I will do my best to come upto their expectation. As a founder principal of the new branch, I fall into the reveries for the school and visualise streams and streams of our scholars and visualise streams of our scholars reaching at the acme of their lives and surely my vision is not exaggerated while fantasising so.
Education is not which enables one to get a good job but education is a whetstone to sharpen up one's skills and potentials , each of us is imbibed with one or the other talent , the only requirement is to prick that out and polish it , the luminescence with itself will scatter all around.
Our School does not claim to teach but to facilitate. Teachers are actually the facilitators .Its not facetious to remove the dross from a diamond and make it presentable one. To give a glimmer to the diamond our main endeavour is to empower the children with cognitive and experimental skills that would help them to be global citizens and overcome the challenges of tomorrow.
In Today's ever excelling competitive world the child has to face cannons of challenges at each junctures of life.. right from the movement he steps out of the threshold of the school and we promise child's development outside and beyond the classroom .
Our core values are rooted in academic excellence nurturing and providing an enriching environment that stimulates mind, encourages creativity hones talent and makes the child a fully grown up, matured, understanding and self confident to make the child self sufficient we are determined to provide activity oriented learning through experience, exposure and involvement in a stress free, hygienically , aesthetically secured and disciplined environment .
We are wholeheartedly dedicated not only to retain the impeccable images and standards but also to propel and perpetuate it to zenith.